June 12, 2009

On the road to Zion

ALRIGHT! We did it. We're in the road and the tour had officially begun. Now taking on the road in my brother's Toyota 4Runner, Caddywhompus will crack no radiators and break no hearts (unless someone really needs a ride or something, then we might break their heart because we can't fit them inside). So here we go on our first tour (to speak of). Check out them dates on our MYSPACE and spread the word where you can. Thanks to everyone who came out in Houston last night for our tour kickoff at Mango's. We had a fucking fantastic time and we hope you did tooooo.

This weekend's shows:
6/12 - Artmosphere - Lafayette, LA
6/13 - 380 College Hill Dr. (Man Plus Building's CD release house show!) - Baton Rouge, LA (7PM SHARP!)
6/13 (oh THAT'S why they're playing at 7 in BR!) - Dragon's Den - New Orleans, LA
6/14 - Thirsty Hippo - Hattiesburg, MS

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